L’Art de Vivre
Discover your own sense of l’art de vivre with wine, food and friends at your dining room table.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Caroline Mooney contributed a whooping 22 entries.
Discover your own sense of l’art de vivre with wine, food and friends at your dining room table.
How do you know if your wine is good or not?
Here are a few techniques to try when next opening a bottle of wine. Learn to assess the sight, smell and taste.
What inspires your creativity?
Inspiration can come from any number of places. From the deep recesses of our early memories, from our family and peers, from moments of dreaming, from nature or the creative world.
Wine has been an intrinsic part of society for many centuries, used in religious, celebratory and culinary rituals. There has been a diverse range of vessels used, some which have come by chance, some by design.
With so many of us stuck inside right now, I’ve no doubt you are enjoying a few movies to take your mind off the constant stream of COVID-19 news. When it comes to cinema choices the options are endless. So, here are a few of my favourite movies and wine matching ideas for your perfect […]
Your Role at this Time of Need. I don’t really know how to be anything else other than a winemaker. And at this time of year, winemaking is a 14 hour a day job. There’s a whole lot of winemakers currently harvesting grapes, pressing and processing and doing our best to make the very best […]
World renowned, UK wine wrtier, Jancis Robinson, visited the Yarra Valley in Oct/Nov 2019.
She visited a number of wineries and tasted many more wines, to present this fabulous thought piece on the region for her website, jancisrobinson.com – All Change in the Yarra
Her notes and score of my two wines, the 2015 Syrah and 2016 Chardonnay were more than I could have imagined and for this I am very grateful.
Our relationship with alcohol over the course of human history has been a conflicted one. In one moment, we might curse the effects of wine for having a head-ache, feeling tired and dehydrated. And in another moment, we could be reaching for a glass to enjoy a quiet moment of contemplation or to socially engage with […]
Duck for me is a delicacy. The sweet, gamey, textured, pink meat and its amazing versatility makes it hard for me to ever ignore duck when it is presented to me on a menu. It’s not something I cook regularly at home and maybe that’s why I find it so enticing; it has a rare […]
Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offence: To supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $8,000); For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor (Penalty exceeds $700). Liquor Licence No. 36114807
ABN 55 064 471 098