
What to do with leftovers?
The WireIs your fridge jam packed with food even after you’ve had everyone over for Christmas and Boxing Day? Here's five ideas to try this holiday season.

L'Art de Vivre
The WireDiscover your own sense of l'art de vivre with wine, food and friends at your dining room table.

Wine and Movie Pairings
The WireWith so many of us stuck inside right now, I’ve no doubt you are enjoying a few movies to take your mind off the constant stream of COVID-19 news.
When it comes to cinema choices the options are endless. So, here are a few of my favourite…

Power and Agency
The Wire
Your Role at this Time of Need.
I don’t really know how to be anything else other than a winemaker.
And at this time of year, winemaking is a 14 hour a day job.
There’s a whole lot of winemakers currently harvesting grapes, pressing and…

For the Love of Duck
The WireDuck for me is a delicacy. The sweet, gamey, textured, pink meat and its amazing versatility makes it hard for me to ever ignore duck when it is presented to me on a menu.
It’s not something I cook regularly at home and maybe that’s why…